Market Intelligence
Working beyond the data to support your decisions.
Quick and easy access to performance analytics based on Real World Data:
- Monitor your market evolution
- Personalise your dashboard to follow your KPI’s
Data source
European GPs’ and Specialists’ Electronic Health Records extracts, transmitted by a network of voluntary physicians.
Datasets are available in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Romania.
Data type
- Information from prescriptions (drug, diagnosis ICD-10)
- Volumes
- Dosage
- Duration of treatment
- Market dynamics (new, switch, renewals …)
- Marketing and Business Intelligence departments
- Market Access departments
- Health Authorities (FR, UK)
Monthly delivery
Web-portal Cegedim Health Data Lab (data visualization and analytics solution) to access standard dashboards and personalised reports
Type of use
- Understand the market and analyse the dynamics
- Monitor performance, product launch
- Follow prescriptions